
Nov 2, 2009

Thanks for a great 2009 Countdown season!

Hello all! I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks to everyone who participated in this year's countdown to Halloween. Every year I get bowled over by how many people join in, and how much richer the community is for it. We ended up with twice the number of bloggers from last year and I can't even imagine what the future holds. I hope everyone enjoyed the heck out of the season (as well as taken the opportunity to hit up some of the crazy discounted on Halloween goods and candy that went up today across the country.) I can't speak for everyone obviously, but I found a lot of new blogs to read and discovered all sorts of nooks and crannies of the holiday that I never encountered before. In fact, just like in years past, I'm still catching up on all of the wonderful content that was shared throughout the countdowns this month. I've got enough creepy, spooky, scary reading and watching tokeep me busy for months to come.

In the end, I hope this site helped, even a little, in exposing you to some great blogs or helped in keeping the whole thing a little bit more organized so that no one got lost in the shuffle. The list will stay up, so don't worry if you didn't get a chance to visit all the wonderful sites that participted. But I think it's time to slip into a comfortable hibernation for awhile. Until next year, pleasant screams...