
Oct 31, 2018

Returning to Our Graves

The candy has all been passed out, the costumes are off, and the lights extinguished from the Jack O'Lanterns. For us, it's time to return to our graves until we surface again next October 1st. As you shamble back to your tomb, be sure to pop your head into some of the not quite closed crypts on your way and take a look at some of the things you may have missed this month. The links to the Cryptkeeper's sites are still active and can be found just a couple of posts below this one.

Thank you everyone who participated in any way. See you next year.

Oct 18, 2018

Creepy Contest

My Two Yen Worth is giving away some free creepy stickers. You can find out the details here. If you ever wondered what Halloween in Japan is like check out the rest of his posts this month, and to see all manner of Japanese pop cultural artifacts, including those that cover American properties, follow them throughout the year.

Sep 30, 2018

This Year's Participants - Cryptkeepers 2018

Step this way if you dare. The following list contains all of the blogs which are participating in this year's Countdown to Halloween. Each is offering their own distinctive month long celebration of this chilling holiday we all hold dear. If you would like to see your own mausoleum added to the list find out how here.

Sep 24, 2018

One of Our Cryptkeeper's Needs Your Help

Every year, Dan, at Halloween Hits puts up an amazing compilation of appropriate tracks to celebrate our favorite holiday with. My guess is many of you have been downloading these great compilations each year.

Dan's getting ready to put up this year's collection, as well as the previous 14 (see above for last year's compilation), however, his computer recently gave up the ghost and he is in need of the cover artwork for volume 10 from 2013.

If anyone of you have it, please send me a jpeg or pdf file through my email: universalrobots@aol.com, and I'll pass it on to him.

Thank You!

UPDATE: The artwork has been found and passed on. Thank you to Jeff and Rick for coming to Dan's aid.

Sep 13, 2018

Badges 2018

Here are this year's badges created by Daphne Rozum. Use as you will. Simply copy the line of HTML code from beneath the descriptive title for the badge of your choice and paste it into a gadget on your page layout in blogger.

Cat Badge.png


Friendly Witch Badge.png

Sep 2, 2018

Calling All Cryptkeepers 2018

It's that time of year again. The Countdown to Halloween is only a few weeks away. We have a new banner, and new badges will be here by the end of the week. If you have been away, there was an issue last year with  the domain which was unsolvable. This site can be found at http://countdowntohalloween.blogspot.com. Please pass that along to anyone you think will be interested.

Now for the official part that should make your life, and mine, easier, and insure that everyone wanting to participate is one the list with the launch at Midnight, October 1st. Please read the following. 

If you plan on participating in this year's Halloween Countdown, please read this post in its entirety in order to assure your place on the list of participants. 

So far, this year's Countdown has gone smoothly, as each year gets us closer to working out all of the bumps and obstacles revealed in year's past. 

Everyone that I have contact information for should have received an email from me by this time. If you've emailed me back already, you've been added to the list of cryptkeepers for this year. I thank all of you for your quick responses, and for providing links and so forth making this process easier than it has ever been. You are all excused from reading the rest of this email. 

If you haven't, please check your email. I did wind up with a few mailer demons infiltrating my inbox pertaining to old, outdated email addresses that could no longer have mail delivered to. If anything has changed, please let me know. 


If you haven't heard from me, that means I don't have a current email address for you. Please email me at universalrobots@aol.com. Put Halloween Countdown in the subject line. In the content of the letter please include a link to your blog(s) and the name you would like to see it listed under (since this is often different). You will not hear back from me unless there's a question I have. Once I receive an email from you I will automatically add you to this year's list. Also, inform me that you did not receive an email from me. Having an email from you also means I'll be contacting you directly next year, hopefully making the whole process even smoother.

If you are planning to participate as a cryptkeeper this year, DO NOT simply leave a message in the comments box. Please email me. There are so many participants now, that it's easy for someone to get overlooked in the comments box, especially when I am trying to keep everything up to speed, manage my own blogs, and my everyday life. This is a one person operation. There are occasions where I am unable to check the comments box for several days in a row. I don't want to keep anyone waiting, or put them through the stress of wondering why they haven't been added to the list yet. By emailing me directly, you can be certain that I'll get you added asap, probably within just a few hours.

Also, if you only contact me through the comment box, we have no way to reach you directly if there's an issue with your link, or any other matter.  As October proceeds, we will be posting other things at this site, and things get lost when left in the various comment boxes, especially when those boxes don't have anything to do with the participant list.

The goal here is to make everything run as smoothly as possible and for everyone to have fun.

Please use the comments box for any questions or comments you might have as to this year's countdown otherwise.

Finally, the Countdown to Halloween is not an invite only sort of thing. If you know of other blogs that might want to be part of this, please let them know, and direct them to this post.

The list of participants will post at Midnight, October 1, 2018.

Badges will be up soon.

I look forward to seeing all of the goodies each of you bring to this event. Have fun!