
Aug 30, 2021

Cryptkeeping Update and Impatience (lol) #CountdowntoHalloweenblog2021 2021list

Hey Crypsters,

A few updates. But before I get to that...

We are finally moving into September...giddy! It seems like it is taking October FOREVER to get here. However, get here it will eventually.

I don't know about you but I have been (impatiently) waiting for the stores to get the Fall/Halloween decor  in. I went to a well-known craft store the other day and they HAD tons of stuff. I say HAD because what they did have was sold...gone...the shelves were seriously empty!

I then went to the bulls eye store and they had not even put up one pumpkin yet. No bats, no webs, not even candy! What the heck? The shelves were bare but not in a good way. Come on! Let's get with it people!

As I said, impatient!

So, as for our blog here and getting ready, you all are incredible! We have so far got 56 sign ups. Keep sharing and telling folks about us. Let people know that almost anything goes here as long as it is Halloween related. Don't forget to mention Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are all accepted this year as well.

Having said that, there are a couple of people who signed up their Twitter or Facebook. We appreciate you doing Halloween there too but we will not put you on the countdown with just those. So, if you don't see you there for that, this is why! ok?

I have a few people that I need some help from. I hate to call you out but maybe you will see yourself.

Jonathan Bilski: Please leave me a link to your blog. You signed up but no link.
Cheeks DeBelly aka Man Hole: I have no link for you either.

Make sure to check your links otherwise.
Hang in there, October is coming!

Michelle and Dex


  1. I still can't see my blog on the list, even though I registered.

  2. It was there just under the name of "Real fiction". I have changed it now and you will see it.

  3. So excited the Halloween season has returned! I've had a bit of a rough year myself, so I guess I'm more forgiving this year to stores that have fallen behind in decorating and putting out merch. Don't worry, it's coming together!
    I just signed up for 2021 and I already put up the badge. The link appears to be working. Yay!
    Wishing you all a fun and memorable Halloween!

  4. Hi, Can you check your Google applications. I signed up a couple times, but still don't see my blog listed (Garage Sale Finds). Thanks!


  5. I signed up kinda late. Just want to be sure I'm on the list. Wonderful Wonderblog. Thanks!
