
Sep 30, 2022

It's here! Let the fun begin!!!! #CountdownToHalloween2022

Who let the spooks out? You, YOU!  

The Halloween Countdown has begun!

Don't forget to check those links , purchase an official t-shirt for charity, and leave us treats!

Let's go! Happy Halloween!!!!


Sep 16, 2022

Guess what...?! #merch #Announcement #CountdowntoHalloween2022

So, we sent out a survey. We hmm'd and sent out the bat signal. We announced a possibility. We approved.

We said it was going to happen. And guess what? It's here! 

Announcing: The first of hopefully many to come OFFICIAL COUNTDOWN TO HALLOWEEN T-SHIRTS!!!

Yep, you heard it here. We now have this year's official t-shirt and other merch if you want to purchase. We asked Chad Savage to design the shirt and he has done a fantastic job. Thank you, Chad!

Now, I want to let you know something even more fantastic.  NONE, ZIP, ZERO, NADA of the profits from the shirts will be going to us (Chad, Dex, or Me). All profits will be going to the Haunters Against Hate charity. You can read more about them by simply clicking on the link.

So here is the design to get a peek before ordering. I think it is WOW! Please note: It annoys me to have to say this but, The design is copyrighted to Chad Savage and for Countdown to Halloween Blog only. Do not use the design in anyway with the exception if you want to promote the shirt and our blog.

PURCHASE:  https://savagesinister.threadless.com/designs/countdown-to-halloween-2022

Maybe once you order, you can take a photo of yourself and show it off to us!

Master Crypt Keepers,

Michelle and Dex

Sep 15, 2022

45 Days...ugh #CountdowntoHalloween2022


This is not a sponsor.
Just wondering if you all eat this cereal or a different kind? 

Hey, Creepers,

It is still 45 days until Halloween...ugh...come on already.
But then, it is ONLY 16 days when we know it REALLY starts. Yep, October 1st is right around the corner and I for one, cannot wait. I am so bored...seriously!

I don't know about you but I am ready for Halloween. I must note here, that I live with my Mother and she is not a Halloween aficionado. *gasp*  I KNOW! So, having said that, I have to slowly creep things into the crypt until BAM, it's there, deal with it. LOL

I have been watching the stores and boy, is it just me or are they slow on getting with it this year? Does it seem like everything has slowed down in general or is it just me? Maybe it is just in the area I live in. *screams* 

Come on already. I need some stuff!

So, drop some photos in the comments. Let's see what you have picked up or seen new this year.

Hang on, it's almost here!

Master Crypt Keeper,


Sep 6, 2022

#Announcments: A Terrible Way to Die #links #HalloweenCountdown2022 #merch

photo credit to: http://havesomedecorum.blogspot.com/

Hey Creepers,

I first want to give a huge shout out to Dex. He has been keeping things creepy here while I had some unexpected tricks to clear out. I had some massive issues with my Google access and I could not even get into the blog here. Talk about scary! Anyway, Dex helped me out and I am now back and getting treats instead. THANK YOU DEX SERIOUSLY!!!


LINKS: If you will take a gander over to your right you will see everyone that has signed up now has a link. PLEASE check those links and make sure they are functioning. We don't check them and won't know they are not working until we go trick or treating on your pages. If your link is not working, please leave me a comment in the comments on this post. I will get back to you about it and fix it.

MERCH: Last year we kicked around the idea of having official t-shirts that you could purchase if you wanted one. Dex and I are pleased to tell you that this is going to happen. YES! We have seen the design and I have to say, it is awesome. The shop is not set up quite yet but we will let you know when that will be. We are likely to set it up so you can purchase other things too. I personally want a hoodie.  

Question...Would you prefer to have a different design every year or have a simple add on patch for subsequent years?

INSTAGRAM: Have you all been checking out the Countdown's Instagram content? Dex does an amazing job all year long with it. Go follow if you want to.

Well, I think that is all I have now. Keep coming back and watching for updates.

OMGSH-October 1st is around the corner. *squeals*

Master Crypt Keeper,
