
Sep 26, 2023


Hi Cryptsters,

FINALLY, it is almost time for our favorite time of year, OCTOBER AND HALLOWEEN! Whooo....

If you have not already signed up or your friends haven't, NOW is the time. I am closing sign up on the 1st this year as too much has gone on for me to do anything more other than the Countdown itself.

Dex and I will be around to your blogs but please be patient. Go visit others too and leave boo notes. We all love those. Remember to post every couple of days something Halloween-ish.

NOTE: You will notice a couple of changes this year. If you look above, you will see some tabs. They are: Crypt Keepers 2023, Countdown Instagram, and Home. Please explore those but in a nut shell, if you click on the Crypt Keepers one, you will be taken to a list of all the Crypt Keepers and their blogs. I had to do this for time sake this year and frankly, was a bit easier. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BUT DO CHECK YOUR LINKS THAT THEY WORK. I did not check any of the links so, if there is something wrong or you have been left off, just comment below and I will fix it. If you don't tell me, I don't know.

---->If you have not purchased this years t-shirt, the link is on the side bar. Remember that all proceeds go to charity. 

Finally, I got word that you are having issues with the badges. You will have to download them to your device and upload to your blog. Please add the link to this blog so everyone comes here.

Have a great October and check back here for updates and newer cobwebs.


  1. I e-mailed Dex that both my blogs: Alexis' Treasures (https://collectorsuniverse.blogspot.com/) and Comic Strip Treasures (comicstriptreasures.blogspot.com) were doing countdowns this year but I don't see them on the list. As always ty for all you two do for the countdown!

  2. I am so excited! Prepping my posts today. Cannot wait to read what everyone is bringing to the countdown!

  3. Hi! Excited for the countdown! I see my site in the list, but you can delete the link to my Instagram. It's listed as Musty TV Instagram. Thank you!

  4. Thanks for all of your hard work each year! I love the badges for 2023!

  5. I may not be seeing it on the list but I don't see Moongem Comics at http://moongemcomics.blogspot.com/. I filled out the form twice.

  6. I signed up two days ago and hope I did it right! My Side of Oz~ Nan~

  7. The link to Tales From the Backroom Chewmanger doesn't work for some reason. Not sure why.

  8. I think you might have wrote the link down wrong. It's https://talesfromthebackroomchewmanger.blogspot.com. I think you put Chewmanger down as two words when it's only one word. Hope this helps. Cheers😃

  9. Thanks for all the hard work! Happy Countdown to all!
