Dec 27, 2021

Crypt is closed! See you in 2022

Hello my creepy friends. I had not closed the crypt quite yet to allow for Creepmas if someone wanted to post about it.

However, now has come the time! This crypt is closed until August of 2022. It has been fun but ghoulish at the same time. Let us hope as we tiptoe (or monster stomp) into 2022 that things will be healthier and orange in glow.

Happy New Year!


PS> You can still find Dex and me over at Instagram and our page is still up and strong there too. Any questions, drop me an email  nailamoon1968atgmaildotcom

Nov 22, 2021

Make Creepmas Your Own

Hello Cryptkeepers! I wanted to pass along this message posted on recently.

Howdy, folks - Chad here. When Ed & I started this site in 2011, aggressive Christmas creep (seeing Christmas stuff in stores before Halloween) wasn't something everybody was talking about, and creepy Christmas concepts were still rare and mostly related to The Nightmare Before Christmas.

10 years later, Creepmas has taken on a life of its own on the web and this site has become somewhat redundant. Pandemic notwithstanding, last year saw a huge drop in participation for both the Blogroll and the creative challenge largely, I believe, because so many other people are doing their own thing with it.

And hey, cool! We're glad it's taken off! But it also seems that this site has run its course. So for 2021, we're gonna take a year off and see how things go. Maybe we'll jump start something new for 2022, maybe not. Time will tell.

To everybody that's participated and  had fun with us for the last decade, thanks, and have a very scary, Merry Creepmas!

While they're won't be an "official" Creepmas blog-along this year, don't let that stop you from celebrating the 13 Days of Creepmas however you want!

Nov 7, 2021

2021 Survey

Hope everyone is doing well out there and getting over what I call the Halloween Hangover. You know, that feeling you get on November 1st that the season is "officially" over? I just finished putting away my decorations this weekend. If Christmas can stay up until mid-January, we can give Halloween an extra week right?
Anyway, we've cooked up a little survey for you all to see if there's anything we can do to make your Countdown experience better.

I promise it's very short and we'd love to hear from you!

Nov 1, 2021

Information and Creepmas

Hello my fellow Creepers!

Is Halloween over? Well, technically,, yes but I know many of you celebrate 365 so carry on. Otherwise, the countdown has started over until 2022!

I am popping in today to let you know about The 13 Days of Creepmas. I went over to see if there was a badge for those of you that indulge a little more but did not find one. However, if you are interested, here is some info. (below)

 I think Dex is in charge of this one along with The Great Pumpkin Cult. I have included some information here along with the link. Enjoy a little longer! ;)

Do not forget, survey is coming soon and also, I am looking into those shirts/ badges so stay tuned to order.

Michelle, MCC



If you're new to Creepmas or need a refresher, check out these links:

You can also find out "How to Participate" so you can join the rest of the festive ghouls around the web. Even if you don't participate, we'd appreciate you spreading the Hallowday cheer on social media to drag in a few more bodies.

To join the frightful festivities, leave a comment below (or email Chad) with your blog/website name and link, add one of the badges below to your blog/site, then post your creepiest Christmas content December 1-13!


Join in on social media by tagging posts #Creepmas or #MakingCreepmas

Oct 30, 2021's here! All Hallow's Eve

Has anyone saved me a Snicker's?


Oct 25, 2021

Finals Week & An Important Question #CountdowntoHalloween #2021

Hello Crypt Keepers!

As if you did not know, we are into our final week of the countdown. Are you keeping up the proverbial ghostly mist or has your broomstick caught fire and burned? I am afraid that mine may be burning but I will get there none-the-less. After all, I need some chocolate!

I have completed the run to everyone's crypts. It has been no doubt the best places to be for my full on October spookiness. You all are so brilliant with your movies, music, houses, books, designs, creeps, and critters. I truly do love it all!

Are you still visiting others? I have seen some.

NOTE: Be sure to come back here for some round up things including a survey and a giveaway.

I am not sure if Dex had time to ask you or if he was to ask during the survey but...

Would you all like to have (purchase) an official Countdown to Halloween shirt/sweatshirt? Begin this year? Next year?  It is something I was kicking around with Dex. I was thinking every subsequent year of offering a patch for the shirt. Let me know in comments. Please everyone chime in about it. Thanks!

Your Crypt Keeper,


Oct 20, 2021

I have been flying around on my broomstick. #Halloweengame #countdowntohalloween

I have been getting around on my broomstick to the blogs. You all are rocking those crypts and keeping them dusty just the way we like it.

I have commented on the ones I could. There are a few of you that do not seem to have a comment space but I assure you, I have been there. I will be beginning with the "S" section to the end either tomorrow of Frightful Friday. I am not sure I will get a complete second round by the 31st.

I do appreciate all of you for putting your scare on every year. If it was not for you, we simply would not have a countdown at all. That would make me a sad spook!  Carry on!


Just for fun: I found this "Halloween" goofy  game online. Try it out! It reminds me of the original Mario Brothers.

You get three tries. Post your highest score. My was 3791 which stinks. 

Scary Run • Free Online Games at PrimaryGames


Oct 17, 2021

Little Past Half Way to Halloween #countdowntoHalloween2021

Hey Creeps! 

We are a little past halfway to Halloween, can you believe it? This month is flying by!

How are we all doing? Have you been able to get around to others? What about our Instagram, have you been there? Dex is rocking it over there too!

Chime in and say hello!

I am back from vacation and also on the mend so, I will be around this week. Got candy? I could use a Snickers! Just sayin'!

Michelle, MCC

Oct 10, 2021

10 day check in... #Countdowntohalloween

Hi everyone, can you believe we are on day 10!?

I am popping in real quick for a couple of reasons.

1. I am sick with possible strep and mostly down for the count. This has made me delayed in getting around but I will.

2. It has come to my attention that those on mobile may not be able to see our side bar. This is the only way you can do that is by changing your settings to "web version" when you are here at the site. I have no idea how to otherwise. 

3. How we doing out there?


Oct 2, 2021

Day 2: Another One of Those Announcements. #countdowntohalloween2021 #CryptKeepers

Click for Attribution

Hello Crypt Keepers,


I have asked for everyone to check their links to make sure they are working. A HUGE shout out to Raven who noted that about a half dozen went nowhere. I fixed them all

I have also added some new links that have just come in. Make sure to check those out if you have time. Also go by to other people and give them a treat (aka: Hello, Happy Halloween etc).  Again, that is what makes all of this fun. 

Remember, if anyone you know wants to sign up, tomorrow Oct 3rd is it. If  you have not done so, I suggest to subscribe to our blog too. :)

Final thought...I noted that some folks have not put our badge(s) anywhere on their blog or Instagram. We love for you to come and link up here but as a courtesy please add at least one badge somewhere as it links back to us for our hard work too. It is also your badge of honor so to speak. I have everyone on my personal page from when I started and when they first had badges. Cool ey?

On behalf of Dex and myself (Michelle),

Keep those crypts creepy!

Oct 1, 2021

It's Here!!!! Halloween Countdown has begun!!!! 2021

 Who let the spooks out? You, YOU!  

The Halloween Countdown has begun!

Don't forget to check those links and leave us treats!

Sep 30, 2021

It's time! QR Code

Below you will find the QR code to our Instagram spot. Do check it out and if you haven't followed, please do. Dex has really done great with it!


Sep 28, 2021

Are You Ready???? Some Announcements #CountdowntoHalloween2021 #Cryptkeepers

Here we are! This is the week!!!! YES!!!! Are you all ready to rock Halloween like nobodies business?

I have been snooping around and seeing all sorts of post for Halloween already. For some of us, it is a lifestyle, others favorite holiday, and some of us just like to dress up and throw candy around for the month. 

Whatever the reason, Friday starts our countdown and we (that is Dex and Me) are ready for you!

Now, for a little housekeeping/announcements....

1. This past month has been incredibly trying for me. I cannot begin to tell you the skeletons that popped out of the closet this month! Needless to say, that made me very behind on getting the most recent blogs up on the list. I appreciate your patience in this matter. The good news is, I got them all up to date as of moments ago.

2. Speaking of which, the cutoff date for signing up is Sunday. This is NOT a Halloween joke! I will not be able to do anymore after that date. Tell your friends to hurry.

3. Dex and I will be around to your blogs or Instagram sometime this month. There are tons of blogs and such so it will take us all month long to get to you but don't worry. We do expect treats and no tricks.

4. Now, having said the above, Dex will be gone until the 6th (?) of October. He is visiting the neighborhood witches no doubt. *chuckles*

5. I will be on a much needed mini vacation from the 5th-14th. I am going to go spook a house but I will be around as much as possible during that time. I have been preposting my blogs and they are to die for. lol

6. You are welcome to leave either of us a comment but just note it may not be answered right away.

7. PLEASE CHECK TO SEE If YOUR LINKS ARE WORKING. If they are not, leave a comment here and I will fix right away. Do not wait. I don't know if you don't tell me.

8.GO AND SPOOK OTHER PEOPLE'S PAGES. The whole point in this blog is to enjoy our Halloween hauntings together. Make a new ghoulish friend or two.

9. A couple of times this month we will be posting updates but also some fun activities. Please participate. It makes this so much more fun.

10. On or just after Halloween, we will be posting a survey. Attached to it will be a giveaway of our choosing. Please fill that out because it will help us prepare for next year.

Finally, I just want to first thank Dex for stepping up and helping me this year. He is a ghoul among ghouls! He has been keeping up with our new Instagram too and some of it has been a hoot!

I also want to thank Senor Scary for the wonderful badges this year. He really took them up a notch.

On behalf of Dex and myself, HAPPY HALLOWEEN CRYPT KEEPERS. LET'S GO!

Michelle, MCC

Sep 8, 2021

A Little Fun While We Wait...Creep House Participation

So, we wait another 50 days until Halloween. Yeah, right. I know all of you have already put up your stuff and throwing candy at people. But since we do have to wait a bit longer for the start of the Countdown, why don't we have some fun. I am encouraging participant comments. 

I ripped this from Facebook so...

Does this fit you? Why or why not? 

Oh and in case you need to know, I am Capricorn! LOL  Dex?

Aug 30, 2021

Cryptkeeping Update and Impatience (lol) #CountdowntoHalloweenblog2021 2021list

Hey Crypsters,

A few updates. But before I get to that...

We are finally moving into September...giddy! It seems like it is taking October FOREVER to get here. However, get here it will eventually.

I don't know about you but I have been (impatiently) waiting for the stores to get the Fall/Halloween decor  in. I went to a well-known craft store the other day and they HAD tons of stuff. I say HAD because what they did have was sold...gone...the shelves were seriously empty!

I then went to the bulls eye store and they had not even put up one pumpkin yet. No bats, no webs, not even candy! What the heck? The shelves were bare but not in a good way. Come on! Let's get with it people!

As I said, impatient!

So, as for our blog here and getting ready, you all are incredible! We have so far got 56 sign ups. Keep sharing and telling folks about us. Let people know that almost anything goes here as long as it is Halloween related. Don't forget to mention Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are all accepted this year as well.

Having said that, there are a couple of people who signed up their Twitter or Facebook. We appreciate you doing Halloween there too but we will not put you on the countdown with just those. So, if you don't see you there for that, this is why! ok?

I have a few people that I need some help from. I hate to call you out but maybe you will see yourself.

Jonathan Bilski: Please leave me a link to your blog. You signed up but no link.
Cheeks DeBelly aka Man Hole: I have no link for you either.

Make sure to check your links otherwise.
Hang in there, October is coming!

Michelle and Dex

Aug 21, 2021

Blogs Added...Dex Interviews... #countdowntohalloweenblog2021

Hi ya all!

Just sliding in to tell you the blog list has been updated. Make sure you have checked your link that they are working. I do still need an update from our LA correspondent Jim? I do not have your correct link.

Remember that right now I am only updating the list once a week, usually sometime on the weekend. Beginning in September I will be checking it at least twice a week if not more. 

Also, the deadline for signing up is OCOTBER 3rd. Sorry but we have to have this so we can travel the spooky highways and visit. Make sure to invite! At one point in our hysterical history we had 400 bloggers on the rolls!

Last but certainly not least: Give a shout out to Dex! He is running our Instagram postings and we need more. Drop him a line with some photos AND if you would like to be interviewed let him know. He has only 13 spots!

Boo ya,

Michelle & Dex

Aug 20, 2021

Halloween Interview Victims Wanted

Did I say victims? I certainly meant volunteers!
Dex here, the other half of your two-headed Halloween Countdown Host.

For the past few years, I've been doing email interviews with people to share their experiences and thoughts on Halloween to post on AEIOU and Sometimes Why.

If you haven't done one yet and would like to, email dex1138 (at) with the subject Halloween Interview and I'll send you the questions. Photos are not required but strongly encouraged! They can be of anything Halloween related and three or four would be best. There are only 13 interview slots open.
As a little incentive, anyone in the US that participates will get a postcard from Salem, MA! I know some of you have done this in the past so if you're not sure, I'll double check for you.

If you want to see what you're in for first, click here to read Michelle's interview from last year.

Aug 13, 2021

Link List and Friday the 13th

Happy Friday the 13th! Do you own a black cat? I used to and loved her until she started using my legs as a scratching post.

Anyway, just a simple update: I have added all the blogs that have signed up except for...Jonathan Bilski"s "Things to do in LA". Please resubmit with a link to your blog. Thanks!

Everyone else, please click on your link and make sure it is working. If it is not, DO NOT RESUBMIT, simply post a comment to me and I will fix it.

Thanks everyone!


Aug 12, 2021

And there is more...


We have been getting the feedback about those badges! 
WELL...Senor Scary Jerry is on a roll! In case you cannot decide which one you want, check this out by looking over there. WHOA!!!!!


NOTE: He did say that this works best on a black background.

Yes, this is an alternative you can use too. Remember to link back.

ALSO... Don't forget to send photos to Dex or tag us at @countdowntohalloweenblog Let's show Instagram what we are all about.

AND ANOTHER THING: Did you know we have a pet spider? Look for him/her too. It needs a name. Tell us in comments what we should name it. Best answer gets a prize. Winner announced Saturday!

More to come!

As Dex says, "Keep it spooky!"  Master Crypt Keeper Michelle

Aug 9, 2021

Hey, hey! For the love of the badges!

Hey, hey our fellow creepers, many things are afoot.  Look what has arrived! You have your choice of three again this year and we think they are wonderful. Thank you to Senor Scary Jerry who reached out to make them this year. You have done a great job!  @senorscaryjerry

All you need to do to link them to your blog or whatnot is to download the image and upload it to your blogs. Please make sure you add a link when people click them on...  

If you are using Instagram/TikTok/YouTube, you have permission to upload the image but again, link it to our blog. I am sure Senor Scary would not mind a shout out either.

Oh, but wait, before you go! He is also making a new banner for us and that will be coming soon. Whoot!

Keep it scary and stay tuned,

Michelle & Dex

Aug 8, 2021

Another update to please note!


Hello Creepers,

Please note the following:

Blogger shut down the subscribe by email feature as of this month. So, we had to come up with something for ya all to be seeing all the fabulous boos. Note over there------>

that we now have a new subscribe by email.

We would love you even more if you would please sign up? Even if you had signed up before, you will need to do it again because you will no longer get our feeds in your email otherwise. I do know it is working because I signed up myself!

Thanks everyone!  Stay tuned, more stuff coming!


Aug 2, 2021

The main crypt is open! #countdowntohalloween

Hello Creepy Friends,

Have you noticed changes afoot in the crypt? Yes, we have begun sprucing up with some new spider webs, wicks for the pumpkins, and all sorts of creepiness.

Please note the right side bar has new information. 

Things will be update throughout August and September and ready for October. Be watching for the 2021 badges soon. They are fabulously wicked!

Check out how many crypt keepers have already signed up! 

Frequently come back for something new.

Michelle & Dex

Jul 28, 2021

Emails have been sent!


We have begun a few days early. Check your emails for sign up  and pre-information for the countdown!

Don't forget to invite. We will have the link on the sidebar soon as well.

Master Crypt Keepers,

Michelle and Dex

Jul 18, 2021

HEY SPOOKS-NEWS FOR 2021 #CountdowntoHalloween2021

Hello fellow Spooks!

Just a quick blog for you.

We have a change this year in hosts. Mike Meyer is not going to be able to do Master Crypt-keeping duties and may not even be able to post this year. I certainly hope he will. Thanks, Mike for all your help! 

In any case, Ed Dexter, otherwise known as Dex, has agreed to fill the role. As August is right around the corner, (unbelievable) Dex will be emailing all of those who participated last year. (um, he may not know that yet...oops) Anyway, you will get emailed.

We will be asking if anyone wants to make new badges and banner. We will choose by end of August. We will also be asking a couple other questions to get a feel for things.  Stay tuned!

If you know of anyone that wants to sign up, we will be sending a link out soon.

Master Crypt Keeper,


Apr 30, 2021

Happy 1/2 Before the day!!!