Jul 18, 2021

HEY SPOOKS-NEWS FOR 2021 #CountdowntoHalloween2021

Hello fellow Spooks!

Just a quick blog for you.

We have a change this year in hosts. Mike Meyer is not going to be able to do Master Crypt-keeping duties and may not even be able to post this year. I certainly hope he will. Thanks, Mike for all your help! 

In any case, Ed Dexter, otherwise known as Dex, has agreed to fill the role. As August is right around the corner, (unbelievable) Dex will be emailing all of those who participated last year. (um, he may not know that yet...oops) Anyway, you will get emailed.

We will be asking if anyone wants to make new badges and banner. We will choose by end of August. We will also be asking a couple other questions to get a feel for things.  Stay tuned!

If you know of anyone that wants to sign up, we will be sending a link out soon.

Master Crypt Keeper,


1 comment:

Phillyradiogeek said...

Yay! Great to know the Countdown should be on our radar again!