Oct 31, 2023

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! #CountdowntoHalloween2023



Did you catch the Google post for today? If not, here it is for your viewing.


By now, you have opened your crypts to all those spooks. I am giving out no tricks here but only treats.  I am only in the background this year. You could just say, I am the skeleton crew. HA HA

My roll is on the right this year!

The Captain of this ship has got this handled and I have snuck out to say hey! I might have secured a small treat for me as well. *snickers*

Have a grand time ya all!

Master Crypt Keeper,


PS: If you purchased a shirt this year, which of course I hope you did, show us a pic! Remember all purchases do go to charity. We do not get a single dime.

Oct 30, 2023

Announcements: A Terrible Way To Die #CountdowntoHalloween20223

Hello my Boils and Ghouls,

First of all, Happy Halloween Eve! As always, you have had some great content to celebrate all the spooky goodness. You all are truly awesome.

I wanted to let you know that this is my last year at being your #1 Crypt keeper. The last two years, things have gotten in the way of doing so properly and this year has been no different.

In saying that though, I have asked Dex to take over the reins. He has been amazing with the Countdown Instagram and helped me this last two years to keep things running. He is a good spook and will do you proud.

Thank you Dex but all for what you have done. 

I will be around in 2024 but just not at full capacity.


Master Crypt Keeper,


Oct 29, 2023

Wolf Howls...Wa-hoooo #CountdowntoHalloween2023

Oh my boo-ness! It is only two days from our favorite orange holiday! I get a bit o' Halloween goodness because, well, I moved crypts this season. Believe me, it was a last minute surprise broom flight!

I cannot reveal where my new crypt site is BUT I can tell you that the house I live in has a old graveyard just up the street. Of course I have already visited and can't wait to visit some more. 

The owners of this house love Halloween! They have a yard full of skeletons and treasures and dress up for the 200 spooks that come to get a treat or two. Boo-lio, right? They have asked me to dress up too but you will have to wait to see my costume.  bwa ha ha ha


Due to my sudden move, I have been late getting to the next section of bloggers. But no worries, I still have plenty of bat time to drop a treat.

Soon my ghoulish friends, soon.

PS>If you speak cat, this is what one of the now 11...YES 11, I live with said.



Oct 12, 2023

Treats for you all, A-G! #CountdowntoHalloween2023

Hey Boo-ti-ful people! I have gone up and through the G's. I will start the "H's" in a couple of days. I promised to get to all of you. IF you don't see a comment aka treat from me, then it is because I did not know where to leave one. I did visit though.

Any plans for Friday the 13th? Side note: I actually have a brother named, Jason. My son's birthday is tomorrow and he WAS born on a Friday!

 Hope ya all are having fun!

`Master Crypt Keeper, Michelle

Oct 8, 2023

Crypt Update!


Hello again Crypt Keepers,

We are on week two and you will be happy to know that I got all of the blogs and stuff listed over in the right hand sidebar. --------->

I had to borrow a couple of monster fingers to finish because mine wore out but it is there. YAY!

So, for those of you that are repeat Crypt Keepers, I am officially welcoming you back. For those that are new to this fun Countdown to Halloween I want to welcome you to the lair. This year's theme again is Graveyard Smash. You don't have to follow that theme but please make sure you at least post Halloween related every few days.

Also, make sure everyone goes and visits each other and give a BOO shout out. We all love those.

I am seeing all sorts of Halloween offerings and that is truly what makes this fantastic year after year.

So, be watching. I will be by soon to leave a treat. 

~Master Crypt Keeper, Michelle

Oct 7, 2023

Halloween Cobweb Cleaning #CountdowntoHalloween2023

A full week already and things seem to be going a muck a bit. 

As you may or may not know, Dex and I do love October and Halloween as much as you. That is why way back in...I don't know...I agreed to take over this Halloween-fest to keep it going. Dex graciously hopped on two years later.

We have added many fun things for you since then: merch and Instagram 365. 

Having said that, I got word through the bat vine that I may have fallen off my broom stick when I didn't post links in the side bar for you. I actually was trying to do my best spells by just posting the Google list page, but oops! 

Well, I like to keep my crypt keepers happy so observe. TA DA! Look over to the right!  Now, please be patient as there are 70 blogs to post. and only half at the moment. I will have it all said and done by Sunday.

I have already seen some great content from you all and will be around to every single one of you soon.

Happy haunting!


Oct 1, 2023

OMGSH-IT IS HERE!!! #CountdowntoHalloween2023 #Links

ADDENDUM: I have fixed the list. Please everyone check again to make sure your links are correct and working. After the 3rd, I will not add or fix. Thanks! Michelle


October has finally arrived and  we are here to celebrate it all month long. We will be getting around to see you all soon. 

I am going to extend sign ups to two more days but the 3rd is it! Invite friends, loved ones, and all kinds of spooks. The more, the scarier!

If you are having any issues, please comment here and I will fix it right away.

Stay tuned and of course have a safe and fun October!

Master Crypt Keeper,
