Sep 18, 2020

They're here!


Have you seen them? The badges are here!!! And just in the vampire's nick of time! *winks*

Thank you to for the great badges this year.

By the way, if you know someone who would like in on our fun, invite them to sign up. 

The more the spookier!

Your Master Crypt keepers,

Michelle & Michael


Lady M said...

I can't get the badge to install and display on my page - help please.

endo said...

Cool badges, thanks! Getting close now!

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Lady M.,
Are you with Bogger or Word Press. I can only help if you are on Blogger. Let me know please.

Lady M said...

I am with blogger. In the past I have just had to copy the code and paste it into my layout and it would display. But this year all that displays is the code.

Lady M said...

Hi Michelle - so I did get the badge to display by changing my gadget on my layout. Thanks for your reply.

Guillaume said...

Great badges. Will take the grim reaper I think.

Cerpts said...

I am on blogger and have the same problem. I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly. I'm right-clicking on the badge i want and copying the link. Then on my blogger I'm adding a gadget for HTML/Jave Script as I've done in the past. Then I create a title and paste the link into the gadget content; however, the badge doesn't appear on my blog only the title I've created. Can you help please?

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

First save your image. When you go to layout pick the image gadget and upload. Where it says to add https, put the pink to the page there. Make sure to click the button that says to shrink the photo. Then click save and presto!

Cerpts said...

Worked like a charm! Very much appreciated! Thank you!