Sep 21, 2020

Updates Part Deux!

Hey Boos,

If you noticed, things have changed just a little bit more. I think I answered or addressed everyone's questions and problems. You know, here in the lab, sometimes you have to put one serum with another to get the right results.

*thunder bolt flashes*

Make sure to look at the last 2-3 postings under comments for your answers. If I still don't have the right mix, I will throw out my lab tubes and get some new ones.

Items fixed:

1. How to put your badge on your page with a link.

2. My links is blackened out unless I hover on the sidebar.

3. My link on the sidebar is not working. (Make sure all of you check to make sure)

4. I was not invited. (oops)

Your Master Crypt Keepers, Michelle & Michael


endo said...

Thanks for all your help trying to get the link to Horrors Online working, I appreciate it.
You didn't have to add a section special just to mek it work, but thank you.

We won't have and Halloween posts up until the 1st of October, but if I could bother you one more time, the link to our Halloween thread is:

Thanks again for all the help, and I promise to leave you alone after this, lol.

endo said...

Nevermind, I see the link. Thank you again for the help!


Tom said...

You might just be behind on processing the Google forms, but I still don't see my blog in the list. Garage Sale Finds.



Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Endo-It still does not work. As long as that RSS feed is working then is that okay with you?

Tom-not too far behind. ;) I do this for fun so, thanks for waiting. It is there now along with three others who have signed up.

Lady M-YES!

Onward folks...

Tom said...

Thanks, Michelle, no problem. I see me now and working fine. Thanks for putting the time into this. It's something I look forward to every year.