Oct 10, 2021

10 day check in... #Countdowntohalloween

Hi everyone, can you believe we are on day 10!?

I am popping in real quick for a couple of reasons.

1. I am sick with possible strep and mostly down for the count. This has made me delayed in getting around but I will.

2. It has come to my attention that those on mobile may not be able to see our side bar. This is the only way you can do that is by changing your settings to "web version" when you are here at the site. I have no idea how to otherwise. 

3. How we doing out there?



Caffeinated Joe said...

Feel better! I have been enjoying everyone's posts, watching movies and enjoying the season. :)

Lady M said...

Get well soon Michelle. So sorry you are feeling low.

My Side of Oz said...

Hope you have a quick recovery! I am running behind but glad to be getting a chance to catch up with everyone! Happy Halloween!!

Steve Miller said...

I hope you feel better! I haven't gotten around to many blogs, but what I've had a chance to see was lots of fun! Here's to another successful Countdown!

Guillaume said...

Get better soon. Oh and a suggestion for the countdown: you can write a post with the list of participants and links, then they are easy to access from a mobile.

Susan Renshaw said...

Hope you are feeling better soon - it's now the 13th - this month is flying by!!

Deadpan Flook said...

Hope you are on the mend! I'm hoping to get some more time at the weekend to catch up on a lot more of the posts, but I've been enjoying what I've seen so far!

Raven176 said...

Bummer, hope you recover soon.