Aug 21, 2021

Blogs Added...Dex Interviews... #countdowntohalloweenblog2021

Hi ya all!

Just sliding in to tell you the blog list has been updated. Make sure you have checked your link that they are working. I do still need an update from our LA correspondent Jim? I do not have your correct link.

Remember that right now I am only updating the list once a week, usually sometime on the weekend. Beginning in September I will be checking it at least twice a week if not more. 

Also, the deadline for signing up is OCOTBER 3rd. Sorry but we have to have this so we can travel the spooky highways and visit. Make sure to invite! At one point in our hysterical history we had 400 bloggers on the rolls!

Last but certainly not least: Give a shout out to Dex! He is running our Instagram postings and we need more. Drop him a line with some photos AND if you would like to be interviewed let him know. He has only 13 spots!

Boo ya,

Michelle & Dex


Mickey Yarber (Retro Rambler) said...

The link to Retro Ramblings is broken. Should be

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Hey, Retro-I had that link and it still did not work. I had to look up your blog. The problem was it was missing the http://

It is fixed now and you are ready to ramble!


Guillaume said...

Will check it ASAP.

Leigh S-B - The Sharpie Domino Queen said...
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Leigh S-B - The Sharpie Domino Queen said...

Hi Michelle,
The link for LeighSBDesigns Art Stamps is broken, there's a quotation mark at the end that needs to be removed. Can't wait for the Hauntings to be begin ;0)
Many thanks

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Leigh, I have it fixed and it is working. I cannot wait either. I am like...come on!

Alexis Skrull said...

Hey Michelle, I registered my other blog but accidentally put Alexis for the name, its actually called "Comic Strip Treasures!" Sorry for the mistake I was tired.

S.S.B said...

I am waiting for Halloween.
know more about festivals

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

S.S. B. Aren't we all!

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Alexis-I got ya covered! :)

Alexis Skrull said...

Thank you Michelle!

Guillaume said...

Hi there, can't seem blog on the blog roll.

Guillaume said...

Can't see my blog in the list:

I thought I had registered.

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Today you were registered and you are on the rolls now. Glad to see you!